Corinna Padilla

Corinna Padilla

Licensing: 2112306

You may come in as a client, but you will leave as a friend. I believe that customer service and connecting with people are two of the most important foundations of any successful business. I started running my own business at the age of 19, and I have always loved working with people and helping others. I enjoy looking at so many different properties, and home remodels are a big passion of mine. I’m determined, motivated, and not afraid to overcome unexpected obstacles that are put in our path. I’ve had the experience of being both the buyer and the seller in real estate transactions of my own properties, and I truly understand how exciting and stressful such a huge decision/purchase can be. It is my goal to make the experience of buying or selling your home as enjoyable as I can, and to be there for you every step of the way. I believe communication is key! I will always be there to answer any questions you may have and help you to feel comfortable during the process. I love the hunt of finding the perfect home. What I love even more is seeing my clients happy, and knowing I was a part of making that happen.

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