Allie Camacho

Licensing: 2146503

Allie Camacho spent most of her childhood in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She moved to California at 9 years old, living in the Bay Area. Later, she moved to southern California for her undergraduate studies to earn a bachelor's degree in communication. Allie is back in the Bay Area to stay! She is a current realtor and law school graduate. She decided to pursue a career in real estate because she has always loved architecture and interior design. Allie's favorite hobbies also include shopping, and what a better way to turn that hobby into a career - shopping for homes. Allie is passionate about helping people achieve their goals; whether that is buying your first home, selling your home, buying a second home, and buying an investment property. Allie believes honesty, integrity, and professionalism are the golden standards in business. As a communication major, she brings stellar communication skills. Allie will always openly and honestly communicate with you. As a recent law school graduate and her extensive legal background, she is well equipped and able to analyze the laws surrounding real estate, as well as contract preparation. She is a natural negotiator, and incredibly attentive to detail. Allie will make sure to negotiate the best terms for you. She possesses a strong work ethic, and will do everything in her power to achieve your dream of ownership and goal of selling your property in your terms. Allie values the importance of listening to buyers and sellers’ needs to achieve their goals. Sharing her client’s vision is extremely important to her; whether that it is finding the perfect neighborhood to raise children, a place with a perfect yard for your furry friend, your bachelor pad, a cashflow investment property etc. Allie is dedicated to your needs. She is passionate about the law and fairness. When Allie is not working on legal matters or touring homes; She enjoys going on walks and playing fetch with her dog (“Baby” a cute 5-year-old beagle), being outdoors, working out, spending time with friends, and family, trying new foods/restaurants, going shopping, and if there is time, binge watching TV shows (dramas and reality TV).

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